Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Why pick Greta Thunberg?

Because however deranged or unbalanced one may think she is*, she is typical of something you'll be seeing more and more on lots of younguns' faces -- rage based on raw existential fear -- so the Powers That Prevail attempt to preempt this inevitable angry groundswell and place such angry expressions in the "conspiracy theory" lunatic ghetto.

* I don't; I think she's just overwhelmed by everything including now being in way over her head, with or without manuipulative handlers. She was chosen to be allowed to make the noise she has because she was passionately angry in the first place. That is obviously genuine. She's not unique. I personally know a 15-year old girl who is also terrified and angry over climate issues as well as other eco/logic-nomic issues. Orphan girl from Russia adopted by a good friend. Her people experienced some serious cold and other survival challenges during the Russian Reconstruction (caps mine).

The fact that the motivation produced by this hysteria will be used by billionaire interests to make more money selling their eco-scams is secondary, for they use ANY mention of climate troubles to either dismiss the concept, make promises to fix the problem they don't intend to keep, or sell snake oil off the political momentum. Actually fixing the problem would require ceding control of the global oil business to sane survival concerns, and ruling sociopaths simply don't do that without a sharp stick up their colon.

None of this says anything about the physics involved. Meanwhile, yes the world is growing hotter, and yes, it's most likely because we all think we need to live in comfort as The Privileged Species, which would be nice if it were true but it ain't: we're just mutant monkeys who discovered fire. (But God loves us anyway. wll, He has to. We're His brats, after all.)

Human history in a sentence: humanity discovers fire, humanity burns planet to a crisp.

Back to my opener: why pick Greta Thunberg? Why pick on Greta Thunberg? Because she will appease one sector of the political opinion divide (the 'do-it-all-for-us' eco-activist side) while giving the other side some punk kid to make fun of and pick on. Sort of the Anti-Poster Child Syndrome. APCS.

We're NOT rational beings. We're beings who rationalize after the fact.

P.S. Comparisons to Joan of Arc serve both ends: glorifying Greta as chosen child crusader while also labeling her as a deranged lunatic who should be burnt as a witch.

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