Thursday, November 7, 2019
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Musings aimed to please, inspire, take you away from this mad world and deliver you to even crazier realms. Now readable on multiple media layers! No extra charge for nuance or meta-tropes!
Coppula eam, se non posit jocularum Alfred E. Newman
Robin Morrison has pursued life like a senile butterfly enthusiast, rushing off without so much as a net, always feeling he's left something behind; for example, the memory of where he came from before he emerged to mate and some day die.
He is old and unwise. His sword arm is shot, and he agrees with the authorities that there's nothing like a good blaster at your side and stomping on anything that still writhes. He calls this 'writing'.
"Writing protects me from reality," he said. "Readers protect me from my creditors.
As Raul says in a comment today; he really doesn't have anything to say except that everything is going downhill. That would apply also to the TAE website which probably is being kept alive only by Dr. D.
Liked the Prince thing...One Song...One Energy...nice summary of a world view expressed by many throughout history. Problem for Everyman is finding The Way. Is there a true Way implicit in One Song? Some have thought so and laid out a path. I suspect that each of us must find his own way.
That's a nice thing to say, back-searched for Bosco, but you don't seem to have email contact (without digging in the code).
Reply here? Months ago, is this thing on?(tap tap)
Was going to talk about Xtian, and something you may be interested in, the Kolbrin Bible,
Which are books over 12,000 years old, and covering a lot of missing material from Egypt, Gilgamesh, and English Druids of olde.
Not something really suiting TAE, and comment sections long.
Well, this thing is, apparently alive. I turned on the comments notification thing in case anyone wants to rattle my cage again.
Trump probably believed what he said back in 2016-17 about reining in the empire. Since then he has learned a lot and events have moved on.
Western civilization as it exists today is 100% dependent on burning prodigious amounts of fossil fuels. Global warming concerns, whether real or imagined, are completely irrelevant to the existential concerns of empire except as they can be used by the US to extend the timeline of its hegemony (as, for example, to help in blocking access of Canadian oil to world markets).
Western civilization can only exist as long as global transport systems keep running and transport systems run on oil. When the oil stops, civilization, as we know it, stops. Modern warfare is also 100% dependent on oil.
There is conventional oil, which has a high energy return on energy invested (EROEI), and unconventional oil (e.g. oil sands and shale or tight oil), which has a much lower EROEI. Global production of conventional oil peaked in 2005; as conventional oil production slips down from its highs on the peak oil curve the EROEI of conventional oil falls to approach that of unconventional oil.
Every spike in the price of oil since the end of WWII has been followed by recession. The recession of 2008-09 that followed the large oil spike of 2007-08 was so severe that it resulted in the only year over
year drop in global energy consumption since the time such consumption records have been kept.
As the world's economies began to recover from the recession, the price of oil shot back up to over $100 per barrel and the economy again began to falter. Central banks, through their co-ordinated policies of ZIRP, QE and NIRP, were able to increase US shale oil production enough to bring oil prices in 2014 down to where they don't threaten recession.
Over the years that the US has been the world hegemon, its economy has evolved from being the major producer of the world's goods to being a major producer of only war goods, some agricultural products and money. The world's money, its international reserve assets, is the US federal debt. The success of this system for maintaining US hegemony depends on US control over the ability of other countries to effect international payments. This control is backed by threats to restrict country access to international payment systems and by military threats.
The rise of China as a major economic power has made China a strong competitor for dominance of world oil markets and an existential threat to US hegemony.
Russia, under Putin, has developed defensive weapon systems that can effectively counter US offensive systems and has done so at a cost that is a small fraction of what the US spends to maintain its military.
Russia and China have become the nucleus of an ever-growing number of countries that are working toward replacing uni-polar US hegemony with a multi-polar system.
The position of elites in most countries around the world is dependent to one degree or another on maintenance of the existing US dominated financial order. Even Russia and China want the present system to endure while they continue to develop a robust alternate international payment system and a strong network of countries committed to the new system.
The US, and therefore also the elites of the world, has a predicament. That predicament is maintaining the current low price of oil without crashing the US economy or furthering the aims of its economic rivals.
The early days of the shale oil boom looked quite promising for the US as technical advances led to increasing production efficiencies. The EIA made rosy predictions of US energy self-sufficiency that would carry on for many years. The predictions are turning out to be wrong. Keeping the uneconomic production of shale oil going is a huge cost to the overall US economy and cannot be sustained much longer. ZIRP will be insufficient to keep money flowing into an enterprise that has generated nothing but losses. And the kicker is that all attempts so far to replace US based production with equivalent production from other sources where the benefits flow to the US have so far not succeeded. The carefully-crafted plan to take over Venezuela oil production was a dismal failure. This failure led to the current desperate attempt to force Iraq to cede control of its oilfields to the US. This one is still somewhat up in the air but looks very unlikely to succeed. Adding further pressure is Haftar shutting in Libyan oil production and Canada starting construction of a new oil pipeline to its west coast.
Apart from outright military action, the best the US can hope to do is get Haftar to keep the oil flowing, get global-warming activists to continue delaying the Canadian pipeline and press ever harder on Iraq to relinquish control of its oilfields. None of these actions are likely to produce a sufficient result in time to avert disaster.
How far will the US go in its desperation? What will the EU do if the US goes for its full military option? The US must make its move before the economy collapses or it will have no move to make.
There is almost no time left before the atomic pile that is the world economy goes critical.
Gimme a minute before I respond, hostebbe. I'm recoverinf from the shoick of somebody notiving this place. ;)
Methinks that, short term, USA will retreat into Saudi Arabia. It ain't much but it's about all it can do, militarily, and some foreign oil is better than no oil.
While global climate disruption is a major concern, and one that might even overshadow oil depletion in some respects, I've mostly ignored it since the underlying issue is, as you say, the decline of fossil fuel stocks.
I expect that at some point nuclear wepaons will be involved.
I just read a report that the US is building 3 new bases in Iraq near the Iran border. Looks to me like they are going to make a stand to take over Iraq and Iran oil. China cannot let that happen. Interesting times ahead.
Do you read ? One of the few sane voices on matters Russian.
That is odd, has he been hovering over the keyboard waiting your return? Nice comment, do not know.
Popped up to send Robin the Kolbrin, as not only is it fascinating for being old, has re-works and extensions of Moses that make a lot of sense, but also the Egypt both broadly, and around the Biblical period. Well worth reading, as everyone has a love to hate the designated enemy today: Xtians. Anyone but them, for any reason I can think of or make up. Nothing they say can be true, even if they tell you the Hittites were in Mesopotamia, ignore them, hate them, doubt them, don't believe them, even though you don't have any better evidence either.
Meanwhile, Science is busy creating a new world-wide pandemic. But never you mind your little head: they're OBVIOUSLY the good guys. The real baddies are the Amish.
Since you're on, let me come up with an essay of recent theory about the Resurrection and Ascension, and why, in scientific terms, it mattered and the technology behind it.
First: did anyone notice that exactly that time, people worldwide complained all the sacrifices stopped working, their temples, religion, no longer worked? What if -- aside from the Aztecs -- what the Romans said about that were actually true? I mean did they sacrifice for centuries just for personal amusement? (Of course they did, Science says so, and they've never been wrong before!) Ideas.
I tend to forget I have this blog. That, and the brain fog of surgery a few days ago, explains my inattention. Nice to have some company.
"Do you read ? One of the few sane voices on matters Russian."
I do now. :)
Looks like I'll have to start remembering basic html.
I go now to look into this Kolbrin thing. Looks like fun.
"Since you're on, let me come up with an essay of recent theory about the Resurrection and Ascension, and why, in scientific terms, it mattered and the technology behind it.
First: did anyone notice that exactly that time, people worldwide complained all the sacrifices stopped working, their temples, religion, no longer worked? What if -- aside from the Aztecs -- what the Romans said about that were actually true? I mean did they sacrifice for centuries just for personal amusement? (Of course they did, Science says so, and they've never been wrong before!) Ideas."
Thanx. I am indeed interested in just such lines of inquiry. Making sense of mythohistory is something deeply satisfying to me.
Feel free to discuss stuff like this all day. My head fades in and out wjhile I get over the latest surgery, so I may respond promptly or in a day or three.
For now, I'll say this: I've been hungry for discussions like this. I have no ax to grind either way regarding Xtianity although I personally choose to believe in God and Jesus.
The Biblical God instructed us to love Him with our heart, body, soul, and MIND. Seeking rational and historical underpinning for what Scientism (not science, which is something else) dismisses as childish folklore by silly foolish mouth-breathers, fascinates me.
One last thing. Regarding Iraqi bases, I asked this question at The Automatic Earth:
Who thinks Trump will get to build in Iraq those bases he said he would? Who thinks he’ll even follow through on it? Verbal bluffmanship of a highly flexible nature is Donald’s standard M.O. I think the frat boys know that they can’t have that oil. Like Orlov explained recently: No More Free Oil for USA.
It appears to me that Gail and Nicole were mostly right. You can float an empire on a sea of oil but as the oil recedes you can't keep the Empire aloft by blowing financial bubbles (even when aided by financial and military terrorism). I agree that there will be no more free oil for the US. But explain to me how the US can just quit Iraq and let the Empire disintegrate. It can't leave and it can't fight. It is surrounded in the ME by allies and foes all of whom hate it in about equal measure. I expect the US will keep pushing in Iraq until the coming shale bubble collapse starts a major step down the energy descent. The Druid cautions us against making apocalyptic forecasts but even the best future I can picture will seem like an apocalypse to the millions of Westerners struggling to survive in a world where the financial, commercial and physical infrastructure falls apart. If you can see a way forward, tell Trump. He is in desperate need of help.
"It can't leave and it can't fight. It is surrounded in the ME by allies and foes all of whom hate it in about equal measure."
I'll humbly submit that the ME is not sovereign USA territory, that we had no business being over there going back to WWI. Leaving is easy, if expensive. Staying is Hobbesian dilemma squared.
As for collasping, even apocalyptic forecasts: that bill has already been rung up, and there is no course left but to pay. But paying for the consequences of our actions is mostly foreign to human nature, that is, if we have any means to make someone else pay for it, or at least believe we have the means to do so.
Empires have always been folly. I have no interest in maintaining empire. I AM interested, however, in the prospects of my grandkids or great-grandkids not having to cannibalise my kids or my grandkids. TO allay that prospect, to the extent that we can, I think it's wise for us to focus our energies on domestic problems not those halfway around the globe.
THe Kolbrin thing disappointed me. I'd assumed it was based on actual codices from long ago, codices deemed apocryphal but not without some historical authenticity.
Channeled writings can be fun, but at this point in my life, I don't have much time to spare deciphering whatever merits might be in such things. But I'll probably find myself perusing it now and then because I am forever curious.
Patrick Armstrong, however, has been enjoyable so far.
THis arrived in my email today. SOme might find it interesting:
It sattempts to find relations between creation mythology and scientific cosmology/cosmogony.
Thanks for the anything rational is a voice in the wilderness.
I disagree, my take is that there are -- and going back 100+ years -- two factions in the U.S.: the Empire-builders and the horrid isolationists. Sadly, the Isolationists don't want perpetual war for profit to take over the world but to be left alone in Knoxville instead of dying in foreign sand. The Empire builders, having won the banks, captured the military, and the military is presently making a counter-attack to withdraw home before their foolish wars collapse the entire nation and all is lost. That means the INTENT is to withdraw, however circuitously. Don't worry about floor shows and kabuki theater. A fight like this is fundamental outlook and can go on decades through many rollovers of the cast.
Second, I disagree it's about oil. Empire tried to not steal, but control the world's oil so that China would be controlled. That's a China they built, but wanted on a leash. That's why W didn't care if it blew up in Iraq, or O in Libya, Africa, everywhere else. They WANT a relative oil shortage by putting all nations under a medieval Muslim Brotherhood...or else they're the worst planners on planet earth, 'cause every move and a few trillion dollars promoted that for decades.
Why? Okay, why do we not have any oil? We outlaw even TRYING the east and west coasts, barely drill Alaska, and found more oil than we could pressure-contain in the Gulf. ...Buuuuuuut we're all out of oil. Except for the 4 coasts we're not drilling. And the second we needed a little to bridge the gap, we fracked and were energy independent in months. …But nobody knew for decades we had that ace card hidden, it’s an accident, and we don’t have other tricks we’re not telling you.
No: in 1970, the U.S. oil monopoly had an epiphany: why are we selling our heritage for $10bbl? Screw that. Let's print paper money and burn the WORLD'S oil. That goes for copper, silver, rare earths, everything. Eat the OTHER guys’ lunch for free. Then when that runs out, like Saudi is now bone-dry with a 98% water cut rate, THEN admit you have oil and be king of the hill. ...But go bankrupt first, you know, bc all that paper money was just crap we ain't gonna pay. Molon Labe. Took decades, but here we are.
Two things stand in the way of $150bbl oil and out worldwide success: free oil-pumping at NOT artificially-constrained, rigged market rates in from Russia and Iran. Sound familiar? That's why they're enemy #1. If we can't control, constrain, limit their oil 1. they'll get fabulously rich, which we don't want and 2. blow up a plan we suffered 50 long years to get working. Think about it. There are links on this, Gull Island, Deepwater, or even experiments from Japan showing astonishing heat and pressure of water, exposed to carbon, like carbon-silica can rub water into having carbon-chains. Oil. Russia thought the same thing under Stalin, that’s on Google too.
Kolbrin isn't made up, both because it's a found document and because as a language and history guy, I can tell you internal to the texts that no modern mind constructed it. Hoaxes go on nicely, but eventually there’s a gap. Ossian isn’t a great example but a famous one. You can also double-check the weird clues against the new internet (which the text certainly pre-dates) and find the things you think wouldn't be so, would de-bunk it, but actually were, like the Greek boat-hats, the kings, Bodacia, etc. However, it cannot be authorized at this point because we did not have a rock-solid chain-of-custody PROVING same. Yet. Of course many hundreds, thousands, of other texts considered "real" have this same problem, but they didn't used to care so much and slipped in before the modern age that disbelieves everything. …Because they contradict the self-same texts that slipped in beforehand, before they checked, but “everybody knows”. You know, like that Troy was made up.
Anyway, too long, I wouldn't dismiss it. Even if you would like to, it would be interesting to compare against our common history, which is just as made up. Columbus discovered America, and yesterday, that the U.S liberated Auschwitz because Russia wasn't in that war. So on that, cross compare here: We're each and all trying to assemble strange fragments into a picture, however science is determined everything in the Bible MUST be proven false. They are not very trustworthy when they act like that.
Note the weird, impossible, unscientific items: sounds like trumpets from the ground.
What stuff and nonsense. ...Except apparently that is happening worldwide right now, and hasn't since that time, millennia ago. Red tides? Silliness. Except in Florida and elsewhere. The "Angel of Death" kills people? Poppycock. Except "Angel" means "messenger" so "Messenger, omen of death", also called the "Destroyer", which is pretty clearly described as a near-asteroid whose debris is hitting the earth and throwing a 'nuclear' cloud of darkness. The problem isn't the words, but that we don't know what the words mean. WE misinterpret them. Why? Because Science is an arrogant, childish know-it-all who has to say, all men before 1950 were a bunch of superstitious idiots who couldn't even record actual events accurately, but we in an age of returning slavery child trafficking, and worldwide mass deaths with vioxx and glyphosate are totally enlightened and awesome. Yup, we're so smart we can tell you from here that the descriptions of Caesars by eyewitnesses MUST be wrong because my professor said so in 1973. Oh. My. God.
From a related part, does this sound familiar? The immigrants to Egypt came from the north during a famine back when, but being hardworking, had lots of kids and prospered until they were outnumbering and out-performing native Egyptians. They also kept their own subculture. This caused a lot of social and political friction which broke into the open when Egypt was stressed by the nuclear-like impacts around them. The people, under a new leader, raised by Egypt's insider family, tried to breakaway, but being the only workers, and taking national wealth that would collapse the economy if allowed, the government raised an army to prevent an exit that would end Egypt. Make more sense now? Story is resolving, and what's more matches the other testaments that suggest these things, but don't say why. That's through the whole book.
But back to the greater mystery. Why blood? Why death and blood sacrifices? Why did they end? Why was Christ another blood sacrifice when we don't have any reason blood means anything or does anything? Blood? That’s gross and weird. Apparently, as science says, everybody on the earth before I was born, was stupid and a superstitious Neanderthal. Gotta be if I don't understand it, right? If my professor doesn't know why, it must not have happened. You know, like time, consciousness, magnetism, and gravity, which we also don't understand. But nevermind this. Anything I don't understand isn't worth knowing. ...Or is science supposed to be examining what we DON'T know, and run tests TO understand?
I often tell people that my mind is so open that it triggers agoraphobic fits in people if I unveil it at dinner conversation.
So one needn't belabor me on viewing things outside the prevailing secular paradigm in which Scientism currently rules. -isms are almost always arrogant that way. Scientism, religionism, spiritualism, rationalism. "I wouldn't stoop so low as to join an exclusive club that would allow a creep like me to join." Groucho Marx, considerably paraphrased
And yes, history is always being rewritten one way or another. Perhaps it is good to remember that this applies to our own personal attempts at revisionist understanding.
In the end, I go into my closet and pray for emotional strength to go another day in a world on fire in a sea of mid-and-dis-information.
P.S. No, I wasn't hovering over any keyboard. Someone at The Automatic Earth (TAE) told me to check this blog. Otherwise, I only go here to use pictures posted here so I can share them at places like TAE. Like the drone/propellors post I added recently.
Actually, I don’t know what magic the blood is either. But let’s start with what we do know: quantum entanglement. Australia did an experiment where if you take two samples of blood, keep it alive and oxygenated, and injure one sample, the other reacts. Immediately, at a great distance. Essentially, scientifically, they are "telepathic" although they'll never admit it.
So what is blood sacrifice? Well, what is it those people SAID they were doing with it? They were talking to the gods, Apollo, Yahweh, whatever. So what’s happening? First you CAN keep blood alive, “the life is in the blood” I think it says somewhere in the Bible and have strict Kosher rules about it. The blood goes on the altar. Fine, great, with weird troughs and the sluices running into the streets. What a waste. To talk to the gods. So if the life is in the blood, where’s the other half? Where’s the fattened calf gone? To heaven, I guess. Where the gods are. That dimension, spirit-realm, whatever you want, while their remains blood on earth.
So according to them, this separation of blood and spirit “opens a portal” that you can speak to ‘heaven’ through, because…as long as the animal just died, the portal of their soul to heaven is open, as they are traveling there.
So why do we need a portal?
What if people aren’t a bunch of superstitious moron Neanderthals, what if their stories are true in their own way? What if, as told in the fall of man in many places worldwide, man WAS once naturally open to these higher realms, but “fell” and the portals closed? So they’re not crazy, they sacrifice for thousands of years, this enormous, incalculable cost, JUST TO KEEP THE PORTAL OPEN to heaven, to their god. So we have sacrifices continually, 24h, in Israel as everywhere, to make that happen. What a waste! Somebody oughta do something! They oughta write a new law! You think god LIKES these incenses in his nose? No, it’s because you’re a bunch of failed stupidheads we got here in the first place! And then to do it with your crappy, hypocritical “make me rich” requests while you savage the poor in Rome and Palestine, that takes the cake!
So what can be done? The apparent physics of the place say, yes, earth-dimension and heaven-dimension are different. Communication has become extremely dim in both directions. Humans strain to hear God but cannot. God tries to talk but cannot be heard. Sacrifice, animal apocalypse, is a band-aid to not close the portal entirely and let a little light in, but it’s expensive and can’t be everywhere. It’s a dark, dark world.
Is that so different from how we too see the world? And why? Whatever made US think there is a heaven or spirit world or god, milling around in the dirt? So what’s to be done?
The above notions would make for entertaining fiction for a certain reader profile but I don't know what to do with it as far as explaining mythospiritual history except to file it under "maybe plausible". The quantum entanglement part has to face the fact that any quantum entagnlement requires information shared before entanglement. No new information can be relayed after entanglement except that something has changed in one of the entangled states.
The Gods could know that certain things (say, blood cells), that had been entangled with certain things (say, tricorders, just to be cute) belonging to the Gods, had been "collapsed", i.e., been altered somehow from their original state of entangelment.
That is all the gods could know. Reverse polarity of communication, and the gods could theoretically kill from afar a sacred calf atop the altar by collapsing certain critical entangled states in the God's possession.
As hypotheses go, it stretches way too thin to do me much good.
I take a cargo cult explanatory approach, myself. At some point, assuming gods frequented the earth, and were interested in the overall genome of Terran life with special emphasis on a few developmental lines, might reward people who brought large numbers of animal stock (including human) stock to the gods for whatever gods do with animals in divine genetic research et al.
Here is one my core positions on this stuff: the concept of demiurges is very useful in interpreting both Old and New Testament scripture (to narrow the focus for ease of focus).
My impression is that there was contention on the local demiurge level related to Terra. W war in heaven, even. Probably still going on. In fact, Jesus may well have intended to be King of the Jews and kick butt at first but Something Happened. With or without a crucifixion. I do know this: I have no reason to believe that Jesus felt anything less than abandoned on the Cross when He cried out Father why hast though forsaken me!?
Something Went Wrong, seems to be a primary message of the OT/NT.
It is indeed a dark world. I have no faith in seculaer hopes. Humanity will not pull itself from the darkening darkness by humanity's bootstraps. My hopeful faith is reserved for whatever may yet come.
"(to narrow the focus for ease of focus)"
scriptural focus. Lotta religious codices out there.
Clearly blood is entangled beforehand. And going back and back to your mother, and your mother's mother, all the way back through humanity. And with more difficulty, to animals, then to all. But let's stick with humanity for now.
So you have to (re)open the door between "God" and man, but how? And as we see in Taoist masters, great that some can reach Nirvana and transmutate, ascend to heaven, but fat lot that does for the rest of us. Your leaving makes it harder, not easier.
So let's go elsewhere for a moment: We presumed iron age humans weren't stupid and mean what they said about temples. What about religious age humans? What are the original catechisms? "1. I believe in God. 2. Jesus existed and was from the Holy Spirit. 3. He died, but then was alive again. 4. He ascended to heaven 5. He continues to be alive in the throneroom of God. 6. I believe in the Holy Spirit of God and these things.
Okay, why? We're modern, why can't he be some guy? Why can't he be in a coma? What is it with "eating" Christ, "thinking on him" and --again-- his blood, as an image and an oath?
Let's follow it through. We can just dispense with his godhood right now, it's enough he is associated, for he asked, "Who do they say I am?" and the people said, "Elijah returned, reincarnated." So when he's from the spirit, perhaps from there? And his birth, maiden, whatever, can't follow that right now. So a guy was born, and according to the Kolbrin, was NOT God. Per se. And Obviously, because how would God fit? Fair enough. But let's say he's in the spirit, and becomes one with the spirit, if you're one with something, aren't you essentially that thing? If you're enlightened, one with the universe with God, are you not god? It's not a lie to say you're the same. It's not a lie to say "if you've seen me" while also saying "with a little faith, you can too"? Well, let's leave it, just assume he is of the Spirit. Many have been, it's not too hard. That’s not special.
So he died. Okay, great. Not too hard, everybody can do that. Add he died for his people, his nation, as predicted by Daniel, whatever, no matter except to them. By Crucifixion, a bloody mess? Sure, whatever.
He was actually, truly dead, in the after-place, and then came back to life. Now that IS a new turn. Usually, so far in history, monks do all sorts of things, meditate in hibernation, transmutate, ascend to heaven before witnesses, recorded many times. Enoch and Elijah were said to, and many in the east, Taoist and Buddhist. But dead? That's a new one.
After being dead, THEN alive, he THEN ascended. And in a timeless place, STILL has not died, and we should think about him and this thing.
Okay, whyso? So what?
Next week...
Was there an original meddling? An original war among the superbeings? Probably. Many cultures say so, even the Bible speaking of "Adam's Rib" and "Elohim." The other part of the watchers, the war, the angel's fall is in the Apocrypha of Enoch, as revived by Milton, etc.
The week was long, I guess a few things happened.
So we have the important parts: a man died, his blood was shed, he became re-alive, and ultimately ascended to heaven, the throneroom of God. So?
So there was an Australian study that showed blood separated at infinite distance, but oxygenated, kept "alive", responded the same as the host blood in the body. That is, if you alarmed the owner, hormones whatever in it reacted to the vial of blood in a lab. They are connected. One. By quantum entanglement.
So what happens if that blood is shed on earth and is resurrected? That blood is connected to the "Host of Hosts". And where is that Host? In the higher dimension, in the throneroom of God where time runs differently, where he is still alive after centuries have passed on earth. So he is alive, his blood is alive, there is a "connection" between men and men, between him and earth, between God and him, and therefore between God and earth again. That is, the "veil is rent", "God and man are reconciled", and the certain connection between man and higher planes has been reopened after being dark for several thousand years.
Remember "Caesar's breath"? That is, because a million molecules of oxygen, dispersing over time, you are breathing one molecule of air from Caesar's dying breath? And if your blood is ruthlessly scattered all over Jerusalem then it rains and is washed out to sea? It's everywhere. Worldwide.
Okay, so Bible arcana: remember less-read parts that Christ re-appeared, hung around for days with the disciples, then ascended to heaven? Why? Why didn't he stay and fix Palestine as predicted? Because he said if he DIDN'T leave, the Holy Spirit cannot come. Interesting. Because he cannot be at the other end of that radio connection. And so what happened when he did? Everyone felt it in Jerusalem, where is blood was. In a few years, the Pagans start complaining about these upstart Jews, and that their Temple sacrifices don't work anymore. Or rather men don't need to pay for a connection to death and to heaven that they now own for free. So somebody won when they killed him, but instead lost the big game instead, and the more ruthlessly they killed him, the more they lost.
What's next? So we need to “think on him”, to “eat the blood and body”, gross, why? Because then our minds are focused on the doorway, him, to the throneroom of God. Why can’t we just think of God, of any god, instead of just this nice fellow Prophet? Why not Buddha, or Confucius, or Quetzalcoatl? However great they were, they do not hold open the doorway. They do not have the radio receiver. So why do you need to “believe” to be saved? Because if you don’t use the radio, you won’t be connected, you’ll get lost. However if you believe, you will find the radio handset that connects you. It’s not like other men don’t get the benefit: they do. But clearly if you’re far from the handset and shouting you won’t be heard as when you know its location and speak clearly.
Since this fall was reversed, the war was lost, how do we shut off this signal? How do we close the door of God and Man again? Trying to subvert the knowledge, written directly in the Apostles’ Creed, but misunderstood. Taking over and diverting the religion to take focus away. Creating other religions that are “equal.” And as that fails and more enlightenment keeps creeping over men, as opposed to Roman or Iron Age times, for a century to make Jerusalem the most ruinous, violent location on earth as a signal jammer.
But that’s enough to understand what happened and why. If you think on these things, you can be connected, as a brother human, to the "kinsman redeemer" and therefore to God. Where your life and actions can be uplifted again.
Sorry to be so long getting back. I'm not used to people paying attention to this thing.;)ROpbin needs a nap but will reply later.
That Australian study intrigues me. Can yiu tell me where to find it or suggest search terms should hunt by?
Thanks so much for persisting. You are addssing cncerns really close to my heart. I'll get back to you soon with what I kniw/ think and how it fits in with what you've presented.
I have to do some serious work on the novel-in-progress so will get back tonight, cuz this stuff fascinates me, but for now, I'll use the semi-privacy of this joint to ask, mostly thetorically but with some genuine wonder: wtf is wrong with Doc D?
It just feels good to say it. I'm familiar with his brand of paranoiac tortured genius, but no one calls him on it.
Me, when I take another break and sepnd a few days exercising my graphomania at TAE, I'ma hand him a new asshole made from the old one I'll rip from his behind.
Enough is enough.
"Why can’t we just think of God, of any god, instead of just this nice fellow Prophet? Why not Buddha, or Confucius, or Quetzalcoatl? However great they were, they do not hold open the doorway. They do not have the radio receiver. So why do you need to “believe” to be saved? Because if you don’t use the radio, you won’t be connected, you’ll get lost. "
I agree. I read a book several years ago on NDEs, a somewhat obscure book that went into more historical depth than any others I'd read. It described countless afterlife mythologies from peoples and creeds no longer existent. From the countless tribes and such that civilization has crushed into itself while mostly obliterating their mythos.
Most of them had very precise and often complex instructions for getting through limbo/bardo plane, etc. to the Good Place.
My take is that JC saw thia happening and gave us a very simple instruction - dial channel Jesus! -- for getting through the post-mortal chaos.
Any books you might recommend? Someday I'll tackle the apocrypha you mentioned. At this point in time, I don't have the emotional/intellectual energy to remain open-minded and diligent through such a reading.
THanx for your interest in the topic and the effort you've put into communicating them to me. It is appreciated.
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