Wednesday, October 2, 2019

She is kind, but emotions should not control this issue

Putin Speaks About Greta Thunberg

I am normally a major Putin fan. One of the very few, virtually the only, sane national leader currently in office. A pragmatic realist who works hard to prevent nuclear war as USA collapses into its own rhetoric.

But here he shows that Big Oil is Big Oil, and won't tolerate the truth being spoken. Russia is very much Big Oil.

Vlad, and the rest of you Big Boys: Greta speaks true: the kids won't forgive you, and you or your successors will find themselves dealing with vast angry mobs looking just to stay alive. It will be... difficult.

This is not to say that I think anything will be changed for the better regarding energy/climate issues. Greta can condemn, Putin can patronize, but the clock keeps on ticking. The time to have made the transition was when Carter was in office, and indeed, that was his main priority. Carter was a farmboy from Georgia and understood the basic connection to earth, water, and fuel that is the basis of survival and civilization. I read much of  Carter's The Global 2000 Report to the President in the early 1980s while Reagan tore down solar panels from the White House roof. He knew what was coming and wanted to fix things while we could. Kinda late now.

(cues the orchestra) Whatchya Gonna Do When the Well Runs Dry?

What you gonna do
When the sun don't shine no more
What you gonna do
When the moon don't climb no more
What you gonna do
When the tears won't fall no more
What you gonna do
When the sun don't shine no more
Head on down to the world again
Find your pride in the face of sin
What you gonna do
When the sun don't shine no more

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