Thursday, April 23, 2020

How Not to Get Sick From Your INEVITABLE Exposure to COVID-19

Oil/nose/moisture/virus: my weird HHT that makes me so vulnerable to chronic, spontaneous, and too often severe nosebleeds, is most consistently allayed by humidity. This is why we abandoned a home in Spokane for a crappy neo-Stalinist prisoner cell apartment in the Portland metro’s myriad prison quarters aka ‘affordable housing/apartment complex’.

I squirt saline spray up my nose like rock stars do cocaine: frequently and in large amounts.

But also, and in some ways maybe even more importantly, I put virgin coconut oil up there like a porn star uses lube. This helps seal the moisture in and promotes the formation of a dense kind of meta-mucus that helps keep in place the scabs inside my nose, in some places all that keeps it from bleeding from hopelessly vulnerable telangiectasias: 

Why should you care? A few reasons:

I almost never get head colds. COVID-19 almost always enters the body through the sinus regions (this includes virus rubbed into the eyes). 

An interesting relevant fact: one reason that flu season is a colder-months syndrome is because that’s when everyone is indoors breathing artificially dry air circulated by duct systems. The drier the sinus tissue, the easier it is for a virus to land atop an unprotected cell and have its spiky wicked way with it. 

Another relevant fact: airliners have notoriously dry air circulating the pathogens of an (often cosmopolitan) population the size of a small jungle tribe. William Gibson, author, hates doing his global book promo tours despite a love of travel itself because he invariably gets a sinus infection from hell because of the dry air in passenger, uh, air craft. 

Another relevant fact: my understanding is that the kinds of pathogens that love salt-water tissues do not like lipids. Lipids form a layer too dense for most microbes to swim through as it suffocates them. This is why covering just-cooked meat with fat is an old-fashioned preservative method. 

Not to mention that saline spray moistens the tissues which makes it easier for them to move anti-bodies and such to the infection site while creating that much more moisture barrier between the virus and its would-be host cell victims.

I rarely get head colds even when my wife’s snot is draining constantly and she sneezes aerosol contagions right into my face. (If a bug gets into my bad-habits-weakened lungs, lord help me. But I almost never get head colds.)

I’m ‘pretty sure’ my wife and I have contracted the virus. She got sick in a way that fits the bill, is now better, but I still badger her into slamming large doses of helpful vitamins, chugalugging Airborne, electrolyte solutions, fresh fruit and veggies galore, indulging a bit of modest exercise including what the young kids call “sex”, and thinking happy thoughts while neither avoiding nor obsessing on virus-news. I do this because the thing seems fond of relapses.

Me, I felt myself fighting something but am highly resistant, I believe, because I have been revving my 64-year old health at high Ferrari cycles. (Now that I have iron again, I am otherwise an uncommonly vigorous Old Dude.) Last night, I felt for fifteen minutes at day’s end the tell-tale symptoms of an encroaching head cold. It feels like no other sinusoidal inflammation, and brother, am I ever a connoisseur of sinusoidal inflammations since HHT gives me chronic de facto sinusitis even without microbial pathogenic ‘help’. I was already feeling low and blue for most of the day: the Ferrari’s timing was off and RPMs were dropping fast.

I chugalugged some Airborne (the effervescent kind which has that hefty placebo kick from the seltzer water effect*), sucked a Zicam lozenge, had yet another of my many daily cups of this or that cold-relevant herbal teas (Gypsy Cold Care/Breathe Easy/Throat Coat/peppermint/jasmine green tea), made it known to my wife that I needed serious baby-ing, and the head cold vanished within another fifteen minutes.

My Ferrari is running strong again this morning. 

Also, if you can buy legal weed, buy some edibles and stay high more often than not. Low doses probably will do. Why? Well, reduced stress and elevated endorphins are good, and the plethora of literature on cannabis indicates that it elevates immune system health, whether just by the elevated endorphins/reduced stress aspect or by more direct means.

If you’re stuck with black market weed: buy a bunch of lower grade herb, boil it down, add some olive oil, boil off the water, keep the olive oil. You now have edible cannabis. It doesn’t taste nearly as bad as cod liver oil does. Orange oil helps. Also, take it with food, Weed needs food to properly metabolize: better, smoother, longer high, better therapeutic effects, more economical via efficiency. 

I mentioned exercise. Yes. But nothing severe. Nothing that causes lows, however brief, in your body’s core health. 

*my own invention, thank you 

I hope this information is helpful.


redshift said...

Thanks for sharing your experience, seems like valuable information.

P.S. I came here from TAE.

Robin Morrison said...

graci... and awesome nickname. I'm imagining Morpheus Einstein asking whether I want to take the redshift or the blueshift?

mbs42 said...

I too came over here from TAE. Always found your posts over there to be among the most useful, perceptive, intelligent, worthwhile and at times downright fascinating.

Hey, if you ever need a modestly-sized back garden in good ole suburban New Zealand in which to dig an underground air-raid shelter or Covid-19 escape pod for yourself and your family, please let us know. We'd be very pleased to help.

Yes, yes, we know that P. Thiel has a luxurious bolt hole several hundred Km South of here. But its much colder, and much more earthquake-prone down there than it is in our back garden.

So, as I said - you are most welcome here, but bring your own spade.


Robin Morrison said...

mbs42... sorry to be so long responding. This has been a hermit blog for so long I forget to check. Thank you... so very much. I am speechless, in fact. Hadn't realized how pessimistic I had become about that random milk of human kindness. Or seeing it in a mirror I can recognize as some kind of a kindred being.

I couldn't ask for a nicer Shabbat morning gift.

mbs42 said...

Always a plweasure, Brother Bosco. . . .

The "sub-plot" to this story goes something like this:

Just recently, Peter Thiel attempted to hock off his Palantir software to the NZ Government by aguing that it would be useful to us in our desire to shrug off the Covid-19 thingy.

For all his wisdom he appears to have failed to recognize that our current Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern ("Labour") is a totally different kettle of fish from her predecessor, the John Key ("National") Government.

Thiel was an old buddy of John Key, dating back to Key's "Wall Street" days as a currency dealer. A few years back, NZ changed its property law to make it more difficult for foreigners to buy up property here (the argument being that foreigners' purchases were artificially inflating our local property prices and pushing them beyond the reach of "ordinary" New Zealanders).

Key, in order to look after his old buddy, granted instant citizenship to Thiel, without the usual requirement of residency here. This then enabled Thiel to purchase his luxurious bolthole in the deep South-West of NZ. At the time. more than a few loyal New Zealanders shot their eyebrows off the top of thir heads (we were supposed to be one of the most corruption-free countries on the planet).

So thats the back story. And a bit of poetic justice to end: Earlier this year we had massive flooding in the deep South. There are only a couple of roads into the area where Thiel has established his bolt-hole, and one of them was closed for weeks. And just last week there was a "not insignificant" magnitude 5.3 earthquake in the area. It didn't do any damage because practically no one lives down there. Except Thiel, occasionally, when he's 'out-of-favour" in the uSA.

Robin Morrison said...

I need to figure out how to make this blog notify me when people comment.