Monday, January 14, 2019

After 36 years of living in Washington state on the eastern, dry side of the Cascades mountain range, I now live west of said mountains. A city called Portland, a place that is not just urban but urbane, is now my new home.


Logan said...


Wow. You still got it. Happy to see you're putting it out into the world to read. You got it going on. I still have your letters.

Welcome to the city of bridges. There is something about bridges. The possibilities and connections. Burning bridges. Going a bridge too far. A Bridge Over Troubled Water. Seven Bridges Road. I wrote a poem about the Broadway bridge one year for a WW contest. I didn't win.

If you want to meet for a spot of tea, a glass of water or a Pepsi you're welcome to email me.

Best to you.


Robin Morrison said...

Sorry not to respond sooner. Was busy elsewhere; haven't revisited this blog for awhile.

So you live in Portland too. One can reach me in private at Google and a host of heavenly AI-bots will monitor everything we say for every possible minute nuance by which to control and market to us, but they don't know what they're reading, just how it weights a given data spectrum.