Monday, January 21, 2019

"Through the power of the soul...

...anything is possible." Jimi Hendrix

Debt Rattle Martin Luther King Day 2019

"It’s time for all Americans, and not just Americans either, to find a nice bright mirror and face the beams in their own eyes. All sides focus on promoting hate of the others, and really, that is the opposite of what Dr. King said. How could you forget? You don’t solve anything be demanding other people change, you solve things only by changing yourself. You have no more right to hate Trump and his supporters than they have of hating you, or anyone else."

MLK: “a slogan ‘Power for Poor People’ would be much more appropriate than the slogan ‘Black Power.’

(lest we forget that the man really knew how to dress for success)

(lest we forget the real reason he was assassinated: he was a powerful voice against a very profitable war against the innocent civilians of Viet Nam. To quote the lyrics of a Richard Thompson song* about the Summer of Love and the years that MLK and Bobby Kennedy were shot: "They were burning babies and burning flags, the hawks against the doves...")

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