Saturday, January 12, 2019

Why Let the Rich & Powerful Make Fools of Us...

...when we can make fools of ourselves?

More from Club Orlov:

"Some believe that the USA is a superpower. They cite GPD figures, military spending, the ability to coerce various US vassals to accede to US/Israeli demands at the United Nations. They also point to its ability to force other nations to abide by its unilateral sanctions even though they are ineffective at best, generally counterproductive and tend to hurt US allies. Are these not the hallmarks of true superpowerdom?

"Let us see... If the US were a superhero endowed with various superpowers, what would they be?"

Read the rest here:

Is the US Still a Superpower?

Robin sez:

All known superheroes are fictional beings grown into collective figments of our imagination. They and their superpowers ultimately depend on their power to suspend our disbelief: good writing, good illustration, special effects, sexy actors who look good in tight Spandex... ultimately, it seems the One True Unifying Superpower Ring To Bind Them All is the ability to blow infinite amounts of smoke up the ass including your own.

Superman changed the past by circling counterclockwise around the earth at faster-than-light speeds... the USA changes the past by spinning counterfactual (and anti-logical) bullshit faster than we can wipe it off the windshields and viewscreens of our preferred modalities: safe in our cars or glued to our cellphones if not the omnipresent TV screens that USA citizens seem to require to enjoy dinner or a few beers.

My answer:

Mandatory token musical tidbit, shared here as much for the epic stature of the guitarist's nose as for the lovely music he makes with his two confreres:


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